All in Press

My second book featured on the Beijinger Magazine

When I first began learning about China-Africa relations, it felt like drinking from a hose, and I yearned for something that just told me what I needed to know but with enough substance. I hope that this book helps students, journalists, authors, diplomats, and others who are interested in knowing more but who are not yet experts in the field. Finding the Right Words

An Ethiopian entrepreneur publishes the first Chinese language textbook in her country's native tongue

Lina Ayenew has achieved an extraordinary feat: she wrote the first Chinese language textbook especially adapted for speakers of Ethiopia's national language

When Lina Ayenew set foot in China for the first time in 2010, she never imagined that she would make her own mark on Sino-Ethiopian relations.

My article on Ethiopian tourism (China Daily)

So many Ethiopians in the travel industry, using the behavior of the few Chinese visitors they have hosted as an example, are highly skeptical about Chinese tourists. Unfortunately, the Chinese have been stereotyped as hard bargaining, business-oriented and not particularly curious about culture. Not many think of them as "tourist material".