

My name is Lina and I am from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I run a social enterprise that aims to bring digital education to Ethiopian students. Learn more about it at www.educationforethiopia.org.

My journey started as I wrote the first book in the world that helps Amharic (Ethiopia’s lingua franca) speakers learn Mandarin Chinese. Many people in my country were happy to have access to educational materials in local languages so I set out to make that widely accessible.

Like many students in developing countries, Ethiopian pupils work as well as attend school. If they miss school for whatever reason, especially their science and math classes, they may never catch up. Digitized content will meet them where they left off.

Previously, I wrote about Africa-China relations. Having lived in China for about a decade, I wanted to share with my audience how China and Africa are shaping the world. I have a book series called “The Complete Beginner’s Guide to China-Africa Relations.”

If you read all that, we should probably talk. Send me a message or add me on LinkedIn below.

Taihe Civilizations Forum 2019

Taihe Civilizations Forum 2019

In September, I had the honor of attending the Taihe Civilizations Forum. I was taking part in the Security and Development of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) sub-forum, along with the former PM of Kyrgyzstan, the former leader of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Chief Risk Officer of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). First of all, I had little to no idea about the challenges and the opportunities in the above-mentioned nations so it was an immense learning experience for me. I also had a chance to talk about the importance of offering young people opportunities, especially in the young continent of Africa.

Yale Young Global Scholars Program, Beijing 2019

Yale Young Global Scholars Program, Beijing 2019

Speaking in French on Fenêtre sur Chine

Speaking in French on Fenêtre sur Chine