

My name is Lina and I am from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I run a social enterprise that aims to bring digital education to Ethiopian students. Learn more about it at www.educationforethiopia.org.

My journey started as I wrote the first book in the world that helps Amharic (Ethiopia’s lingua franca) speakers learn Mandarin Chinese. Many people in my country were happy to have access to educational materials in local languages so I set out to make that widely accessible.

Like many students in developing countries, Ethiopian pupils work as well as attend school. If they miss school for whatever reason, especially their science and math classes, they may never catch up. Digitized content will meet them where they left off.

Previously, I wrote about Africa-China relations. Having lived in China for about a decade, I wanted to share with my audience how China and Africa are shaping the world. I have a book series called “The Complete Beginner’s Guide to China-Africa Relations.”

If you read all that, we should probably talk. Send me a message or add me on LinkedIn below.

My first book was launched at Addis Ababa University

My first book was launched at Addis Ababa University

My first book, “Dalu: Introduction to Chinese for Amharic Speakers” was launched in May 2016. My parents, my sisters, my close family and friends all joined me. Counselor You Yi from the People’s Republic of China was also an honored guest. The only one missing was my husband, Nathan, who spent days and days designing the layout of the book…he had work and could not come to Addis for the launch. The best moments were:

  1. Seeing my dad tearing up…he was so proud and I was so emotional!!

  2. Speaking in Chinese, Amharic and English so the entire audience would understand what I am talking about.

  3. Explaining how some Chinese characters came to be…and hearing my Ethiopian friend say “Aha! Then is method to the madness!!”

On "Reporter" newspaper, one of the most well-known in Ethiopia

On "Reporter" newspaper, one of the most well-known in Ethiopia

My first TV appearance on the Helen Show (basically the Oprah of Ethiopia)

My first TV appearance on the Helen Show (basically the Oprah of Ethiopia)